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Accident Lawyers Articles

how-many-ways-can-a-civil-case-end Brian O Sutter Mar/08/2016 Brian O Sutter

How Many Ways Can A Civil Case End?

The vast majority of civil cases never make it to trial. While that fact may be disappointing for those who love the courtroom drama shown in TV shows and movies, the issue is that seeing a court case all the way through to the end is an expensive p...

no-trial-is-certain Brian O Sutter Mar/07/2016 Brian O Sutter

No Trial Is Certain

There’s a common misconception held by the general public that a trial doesn’t happen unless the defendant is guilty (or at fault in civil cases) and thus when a case is ruled not guilty or not at fault it’s a miscarriage of justice. However, very f...

the-basics-of-stairs-accidents Brian O Sutter Mar/03/2016 Brian O Sutter

The Basics Of Stairs Accidents

Anytime someone trips, slips, or falls, they are at risk of suffering a serious injury even if the fall occurs on even ground. However, when a fall involves a staircase, the potential injuries are all the more severe and life-threatening. According t...

understanding-dislocated-and-separated-shoulders Brian O Sutter Feb/23/2016 Brian O Sutter

Understanding Dislocated And Separated Shoulders

Unless you one of the lucky few, you have probably had an injury or two. From cuts to broken bones, injuries can come in several shapes and forms. A few of the injuries that is least talked about are dislocated and separated shoulders. Believe it or...

getting-disability-for-ptsd Brian O Sutter Feb/10/2016 Brian O Sutter

Getting Disability For PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder, also known as PTSD, happens after witnessing or going through a traumatic event involving injury or death. Though most of us think of soldiers when talking about PTSD, the majority of PTSD sufferers are actually victim...

what-you-should-know-about-drowsy-driving Brian O Sutter Feb/09/2016 Brian O Sutter

What You Should Know About Drowsy Driving

Sleepiness and driving is quite a dangerous combination. Most people are aware of the dangers of drinking and driving, but don’t realize that drowsy driving can be just as fatal. Much like alcohol, sleepiness slows reaction time, decreases awareness,...

handle-insurance-claims-with-care Brian O Sutter Feb/03/2016 Brian O Sutter

Handle Insurance Claims With Care

Insurance policies are a bit like gambling: you’re betting that something bad will happen to you at some point while you hold the policy, and the insurance company is betting that nothing will happen. Insurance companies spend a lot of money on act...

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