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4 Tips For Filing Your Hurricane Claim In Ft. Meyers

Florida is no stranger to storms, but whether you believe in climate change or not, one thing that can’t be denied is that over the last several years, Florida has experienced an increase in hurricanes ravaging the area. Residents of Ft. Meyers got the full brunt of this just last year, with Hurricane Ian making landfall in the Ft. Meyers area and severely affecting the region.

As a result, many homeowners ended up needing to make storm damage claims, but not everyone got what they needed out of their insurance. Here are a few tips Ft. Meyers homeowners and others in the SW Florida region should keep in mind about their own storm insurance.

Know Your Policy

Foreknowledge is critical, and you’ll save a lot of time when making a damage claim by already knowing how your storm damage policy works. Don’t assume that just because you have storm damage insurance will cover all the damage a hurricane inflicts. Different companies offer different policies, which may have specific conditions you should be aware of.

For example, if a hurricane causes a storm surge, water levels rise, or waves make it to shore and damage property, certain policies will not cover this. The rationale is that this is water damage caused by flooding, and thus it is flood damage, not storm damage. Check to see whether your policy makes exceptions like this.

Document Your Belongings

If you have sufficient advance warning of a hurricane coming, it’s a good idea to take some time out to document your belongings, or at the very least, the belongings you would like to have covered by insurance. Furnishings, consumer electronics, and other items in the home are all a good idea. Make a note of them, and provide photos of the items.
This makes it easier when filing a claim to show which items require coverage, even if they may have gone missing due to high winds. For example, a hurricane may be so severe that it very well takes your desktop computer and deposit it elsewhere. Your photos and documents prove that you’re not fabricating an item just for insurance coverage.

Document Damage

Similar to car accidents, the more documentation and evidence you have to back up your claims, such as video or photographic footage, the easier it will be to make a comprehensive claim that gives you the coverage your property needs.

When it is safe to do so, it’s always a good idea to return to your damaged home to take an accounting of what’s been damaged and needs repair or what’s been lost and needs replacement. This can be quick work if you’ve already cataloged your items previously.

Observe Your Statute Of Limitations

While many may not look forward to the paperwork and bureaucracy involved with an insurance claim, putting it off for too long can mean you won’t get any coverage. It’s important to remember that there is a window of time for such claims to be recognized.

Fortunately, for storm damage, that window of time is comparatively generous. As long as you make a claim within three years of the incident in Ft. Meyers, your claim will be evaluated and processed. Once this window closes, insurance companies have no legal obligation to provide financial compensation for your storm damage.

Despite all this, there can be times when your claim is disputed through no fault of your own. If you feel your insurance company is not honoring its obligations, help is available. Talk to an experienced storm damage attorney in Ft Meyers so your situation can be evaluated and your legal alternatives can be pursued to get the financial compensation your insurance company owes you.

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