Types Of Injuries Not Covered By Workers Compensation In SW Florida

• Incidents that arise due to an act of God – An incident that arises due to weather or another act of God may not be covered by workers compensation.
• Common one-time illnesses – Some illnesses, like influenza or a cold, may cause a person to be out of work for up to a week or more at a time. While these may be caught at work, they’re considered common and not covered by workers compensation insurance.
• Employee horseplay – Work is for work, and engaging in horseplay or “goofing off” at the workplace is a risky behavior. Injuries caused by hazardous play at work will not be covered by workers compensation insurance.
• Willful attempt to injure one’s self – Self-injury is not covered by workers compensation, and if it is suspected that an injury was suffered on purpose a workers compensation claim will be denied.
• Injury suffered while violating company policy – If a company has a policy regarding footwear, for instance, and an employee chooses to wear shoes that do not comply with policy, they cannot expect workers compensation if they suffer a foot injury. Any injury suffered while violating company policy will not be covered by workers compensation insurance.
• Injuries treated with basic first aid – Cuts, scrapes, and minor burns happen, and for some they may simply be part of the job. Injuries that can be treated simply using basic first aid will not be covered by workers compensation claims.
What Is Covered?
When an employee is injured on the job in SW Florida, and those injuries do fall under the umbrella of what is covered by workers compensation, what exactly does workers compensation insurance cover? A Workers compensation claim can cover a variety of expenses including:
• Medical care – Workers compensation claims will provide coverage for medical care needed as a result of your accident. This rings true whether a person require a number of stitches after a particularly bad cut, or if a person requires surgery after a broken bone.
• Rehabilitation expenses – Some injuries may require rehabilitation like physical therapy in order to result in a full recovery. Rehabilitation expenses are covered by a workers compensation claim as long as the rehabilitation has been recommended by the injured party’s approved medical team.
• Replacement income – Workers in SW Florida rely on their paychecks. It’s what keeps food on the table, a roof over their heads, and the lights on at home. Replacement income is an important part of workers compensation coverage.
• Survivors benefits – While some workplace accidents result in minor injuries, other moderate or severe, there are also those with devastating consequences. In the event of a worker’s passing, workers compensation insurance can provide survivors benefits to the families left behind.
The workers compensation claims process can be a challenging one. For injured workers facing an uphill battle trying to get the compensation they deserve after an accident, a workers compensation attorney in SW Florida can help. To learn more about representation for your workers compensation case, contact us at AllInjuriesLawFirm.com today.