Stop On Red! Ways To Avoid Car Crashes At Intersections

In 2019 Friday's were the deadliest day of the week for red light runner crashes, with more than 500,000 drivers choosing to run the light rather than safely stop. In an effort to bring awareness and save lives the National Coalition For Safer Roads (NCSR) has designated the first week in August "Stop On Red Week".
Each day the organization is highlighting a different message in a plea to get drivers to simply do the simple but effective action of stopping on red to prevent injuries and deaths from traffic accidents.
Those of us at All Injuries Law Firm See first hand the tragic effects running a red light can have on lives, and urge you to help spread the message.
You can help keep America safer by sharing the following tweets and posts:
Twitter: In 2019, Friday was the deadliest day for red light running.
The more people stay alert, the more people stay alive. #StopOnRed2020
Facebook: 556,745 people were cited for running red lights on Friday in 2019, making it the deadliest day for red light running.
We can stop this. #StopOnRed2020 #StayOnTheSafeSide
Help Make Southwest Florida Intersections Safer
The highest number of intersection deaths occurred in Florida between 2010 and 2017. Included in the areas affected are Orlando, Tampa, North Port, Sarasota, and Bradenton. Drivers failing to stop for red lights, is a major of deadly intersection crashes.
As experienced Car crash lawyers, All Injuries has represented many injured car accident victims that were involved in preventable intersection crashes. A lot of those crashes were caused by impatient drivers who wanted to “make the light.” So although it’s completely preventable, red-light running is one of the most common causes of urban car crashes.
Here are several ways to avoid car crashes at intersections:
1 – Stop On Red
This is a basic rule that, as it turns out, not many people follow. According to the National Coalition for Safer Roads, although 85% of drivers agree that it is unacceptable to run a red light, nearly 31% have done it in the past 30 days. Thus, the resulting statistic is that an estimated 11,877 people were killed in red-light running-related crashes between 2004 and 2018.
2 – Always Watch For Cross Traffic
The aforementioned survey of drivers who run red lights reveals a lot about the safety of our roads. One way to make our roads safer is by being cautious of those who don’t always follow traffic rules. Watch for other cars from other directions when approaching an intersection. Don’t always assume that all drivers will stop. Aside from willful aggressive driving, consider other emergencies like faulty breaks that may prevent others from stopping.
3 – Reduce Your Speed At Intersections
Driving at a faster speed means you will need more time to stop, which is dangerous when you’re entering a new road or an intersection where lots of things can happen. For example, another driver might run a red light or a pedestrian might pop up out of nowhere. Give yourself time to assess new information and react accordingly by reducing your speed when you near an intersection.
4 – Always Leave Space Between You And The Car In Front
It is commonly advised that you leave a sizable space—15 feet—between you and the car in front of you. This would prevent rear-end collision from a number of causes. Likewise, if you’re the first vehicle at the light, leave some room between you and the intersection or crosswalk so you don’t bump into people or traffic in case someone accidentally rear-ends you.
5 – Watch For Pedestrians And Cyclists, Too
Cars are not the only vehicles on the road. You share the street with pedestrians and cyclists as well. So if you are out and about in your vehicle and you are at an intersection, don’t forget to check for pedestrians crossing or cyclists nearby. Claiming you did not see them may not be a strong enough defense for even the best accident lawyers in Florida.
What About Intersections With Faulty Traffic Light Systems?
Faulty or dead traffic light systems and street lighting are often cited as a common cause of car accidents. Of course, it is the city’s or state’s responsibility to keep roads safe. However, as the driver, you can do some things to stay out of harm’s way. If you notice that a traffic light is not working properly, don’t cross the intersection as you normally would. Treat it as a four-way stop, and make sure that there are no speeding cars nearby.
Learn more about making Florida roads safer by visiting the National Coalition for Safer Roads’ Stop on Red Week.
Protect Yourself
Always be on the defensive when you drive. It’s not enough to simply follow traffic rules—you should be cautious and protect yourself from other drivers’ errors or misdemeanors too. In case you do find yourself in an intersection crash, having a skilled car crash lawyer can make a big difference. An effective Southwest Florida lawyer can protect you and help you get the proper compensation you deserve.