Denied Social Security Disability Claim? Don’t Give Up Yet!

Your appeal may have been denied but it is not a reason for you to accept defeat and turn back. Here are 5 ways you can win your SSDC after being rejected.
• File Your SSDC On Time - While there is no limit as to how many times you can file an SSDC appeal after getting denied, there is however a time limit. You are only allowed to submit your appeal within 60 days after receiving a letter that states your social security disability claim has been denied. To give you a headstart, the reasons for the denial will be included in the letter. Prepare everything you need and file your appeal on time to avoid getting denied again.
File your appeal as soon as you are done with your preparations. You may be given 60 days to submit your claim again but it would be better not to wait out the whole 60 days and file the appeal early instead.
• Update Your Information, Records, And Other Documents - One of the reasons why claims are denied is insufficient medical records and proof that you are eligible for an SSDC. When this happens, your records might have been outdated already and this can imply that you no longer need the SSDC benefits.
You can ask your doctor and your health center for new and updated records. It will also be helpful to include new pieces of evidence that you did not submit the first time. Your most recent checkups, prescriptions, and medication are examples of updated and valid records that can help you win your claim.
• Write A Convincing Letter Of Appeal - An appeal letter will support the other evidence you presented. In this letter, state all the other important details that could explain why your claim should be approved. You can also point out the corrections you made and clear information that may have been misunderstood, thus the denial. Be concise and straight to point so you can convey your message properly.
• Get Professional Assitance From A Social Security Disability Lawyer - If there is anyone who knows how to win an SSDC, it’s an attorney who has handled these cases many times. Getting assistance from a lawyer who knows the ins and outs of SSDC will greatly increase your chances of winning the claim.
Your attorney can help you prepare the documents, spot mistakes, point out inadequacies, and help you see through the whole process.
You should not give up on your denied social security disability claim. There is enough time for you to prepare and try again. With the help of an experienced SSDC lawyer, you can win your claim and rightfully enjoy its benefits.