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Personal Injury Law Articles

did-you-provoke-a-dog-bite Brian O Sutter Sep/26/2017 Brian O Sutter

Did You Provoke A Dog Bite?

The dog was, is, and will likely remain one of the most popular pet choices in the USA. While cats are quickly on the rise as the #2 or perhaps even #1 pet due to being able to live in smaller spaces and not requiring walks outside, the loyalty, affe...

do-you-need-help-with-social-security Brian O Sutter Sep/25/2017 Brian O Sutter

Do You Need Help With Social Security?

The United States is a nation that has been built on trying to be as fair to everyone as possible. This is a country that makes a straight up “deal” with its citizens, where the work you put in, the persistence you hold to the pursuit of a dream, and...

a-dash-camera-is-an-important-piece-of-evidence Brian O Sutter Sep/19/2017 Brian O Sutter

A Dash Camera Is An Important Piece Of Evidence

If you ever find yourself in a serious automobile accident where there are major injuries and the responsibility for the mishap is on the other driver, you will want justice. Why should you or your medical insurance company have to pay for the medica...

dont-take-your-time-with-a-court-case Brian O Sutter Sep/18/2017 Brian O Sutter

Don’t Take Your Time With A Court Case

One the great truisms that most of us are taught as we grow up is “patience is a virtue.” In practice, it simply means that sometimes, in order to get good results or achieve a goal we are pursuing, trying to rush things is often not the best way to...

survival-action-wrongful-death Brian O Sutter Sep/13/2017 Brian O Sutter

Survival Action & Wrongful Death

One of the worst things that can happen to any family or group is losing a loved one through a senseless accident that could have easily been prevented. When someone else’s negligence, carelessness or sheer recklessness takes someone away, even if it...

a-truck-accident-is-not-like-a-car-accident Brian O Sutter Sep/12/2017 Brian O Sutter

A Truck Accident Is Not Like A Car Accident

We have experienced car crash lawyers that can help our clients when they get involved in accidents, but we’d like to point that while all car accidents will usually involve an impact with something at some point in the accident, that’s where similar...

when-do-you-need-a-workers-comp-lawyer Brian O Sutter Sep/11/2017 Brian O Sutter

When Do You Need A Workers Comp Lawyer?

For people who work at a good job, with good people and, most important of all, good, fair management, there’s not much to worry about. Even if you should get into an accident at your line of work, whether that’s in a factory, or in an office, a fair...

knowing-your-rights-when-you-lose-a-loved-one Brian O Sutter Sep/07/2017 Brian O Sutter

Knowing Your Rights When You Lose A Loved One

Personal injury law can encompass a lot of different specific things and specific types of accidents, but in the end, the primary thing to keep in mind is simply that those who are injured by the reckless or negligent actions of someone else could be...

technology-and-auto-accidents Brian O Sutter Sep/06/2017 Brian O Sutter

Technology And Auto Accidents

Technology is such a huge part of our everyday lives that it's hard to remember a time when it wasn't. From the smartphone in everyone's pockets to dashboard integrated GPS systems to streaming video and conference calls, technology is everywhere....

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