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Personal Injury Law Articles

how-social-media-can-affect-your-accident-claim Brian O Sutter Jan/29/2018 Brian O Sutter

How Social Media Can Affect Your Accident Claim

Social media is quickly becoming a regular go-to for most people, and it has the power to play an even bigger role in our lives now. People jump to their social media accounts for a variety of reasons such as to update their friends and family on wha...

who-owns-the-road-and-pays-to-keep-it-paved Brian O Sutter Jan/25/2018 Brian O Sutter

Who Owns The Road (And Pays To Keep It Paved)?

Highways and streets don’t pave themselves. Someone has to own the strip of land the road is on, pay for the gravel and asphalt to cover it, pay for the heavy machines and workers to pave it, and pay for the paint for the lines. Someone also has to...

what-makes-a-commercial-truck-accident-different Brian O Sutter Jan/23/2018 Brian O Sutter

What Makes A Commercial Truck Accident Different?

There are millions of reported auto accidents every year and added together they cause millions of injuries, hundreds of thousands of hospital stays, and kill tens of thousands of unfortunate Americans annually. But not every car crash is the same....

what-makes-a-civil-case-frivolous Brian O Sutter Jan/22/2018 Brian O Sutter

What Makes A Civil Case Frivolous?

Florida’s name has shown up in a few recent articles about how its civil courts and juries tend to favor larger payments than in other parts of the country. But setting aside whether or not that’s factually true, what exactly makes high personal inj...

2017-auto-recalls-are-high-but-way-below-2016 Brian O Sutter Jan/17/2018 Brian O Sutter

2017 Auto Recalls Are High, But Way Below 2016

As 2017 comes to a close, the number of automobile recalls has totaled up to around 28 million. That’s certainly a big number, especially since popular models tend to sell a few hundred thousand each year, but it’s nowhere near 2016’s 53 million rec...

5-telltale-signs-of-drunk-driving Brian O Sutter Jan/16/2018 Brian O Sutter

5 Telltale Signs Of Drunk Driving

Even if you’re the safest, soberest driver the road has ever seen, you can’t guarantee that all the other drivers around you are meeting your high standards. Drunk and intoxicated drivers can appear on the road at any time of day, but they’re more l...

pip-repeal-faces-difficult-road-ahead Brian O Sutter Jan/10/2018 Brian O Sutter

PIP Repeal Faces Difficult Road Ahead

The past few legislative sessions, Florida’s House and Senate have attempted to repeal the state’s requirement for drivers to carry personal injury protection insurance. This year’s legislative session has proved no different. However, much like year...

improving-the-communication-system-for-auto-recalls Brian O Sutter Jan/09/2018 Brian O Sutter

Improving The Communication System For Auto Recalls

The Takata airbag recall will forever change the way auto recalls are conducted in the United States. The recall, which bankrupted Takata while affecting over 40 million U.S. vehicles, has resulted in at least 18 deaths to date. At least seven of the...

following-up-on-an-auto-recall Brian O Sutter Jan/08/2018 Brian O Sutter

Following Up On An Auto Recall

The Takata airbag recall has been one of the primary reasons a record number of U.S. vehicles have been recalled this year. If your vehicle has been affected by a recall, it’s important to remedy the problem as soon as possible. Why Should You Follo...

auto-recalls-continue-to-hit-all-time-highs Brian O Sutter Jan/02/2018 Brian O Sutter

Auto Recalls Continue To Hit All-Time Highs

Since 2011, the number of vehicles affected by auto-recalls has been increasing. Although this may sound concerning, it’s actually indicative of awareness by drivers, auto manufacturers, and government officials, who have then taken steps to correct...

amtrak-derailment-could-bring-lawsuits Brian O Sutter Jan/01/2018 Brian O Sutter

Amtrak Derailment Could Bring Lawsuits

Recently, an Amtrak train derailed just south of Seattle, Washington. The train was making its first-ever trip, traveling from Seattle to Portland, Oregon. When the train derailed, it toppled over an overpass and crashed onto the highway below. The t...

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