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There Are More Risky People At Sea

The average American—thanks to the media—is aware of just how many accidents can happen on the road. Mishaps can occur for any number of reasons, although the most common cause of accidents, in general, is human error. This is despite the fact that when it comes to automobiles, Americans are required to take a test, evaluated by an expert, that certifies them to hold a license to drive. Without that license, a person can’t legally take to the road. So even with the numerous accidents that occur throughout Florida’s roads every day, the people involved have achieved a certain minimum level of driving competency, and have a personal permit that must be renewed every few years to retain that right to be on the road.

When it comes to boats, this is definitely not the case.

Free On The Water

One of Florida’s big tourist attractions is the sea itself. Thanks to the tropical weather of the state, people can enjoy water and boating activities here throughout the year, even during the holiday season. But getting into the water with a vehicle is not as simple as cars, trucks, motorcycles and the occasional cyclist. Whereas all but the cyclist requires a license to be on the road, no formal license exists for boaters in Florida.

In fact, up until 2010, there was no kind of official documentation required for anyone to use a watercraft of any kind in Florida at all. In 2010 a new law was passed requiring people wishing to operate a powered watercraft with 10 horsepower or more to be certified as having completed a water safety course. This, however, does not account for the multiple variations on watercraft such as kayaks, canoes and other vehicles that require no mo-tor at all.

The other consideration is that this certificate is strictly for awareness of water safety. This does not extensively test people on the operation of specific boating vehicles such as a motorboat, versus a yacht, or a sailboat.

More Error Offshore

This should give people going into the water in their boats more pause for thought. Many of us are aware that even people that are supposed to have the minimum amount of proficiency to hold a license can be terrible drivers, especially when alcohol or the distraction of a smartphone is involved. But when it comes to boats, waterjets, canoes and other watercraft strictly used for pleasure, the risk factor jumps up even more. All of these people are getting into the water, some may be children, teens, some may be adults under the influence of alcohol or other substances, and some may simply be people relaxing and checking their social media while at the wheel of their craft.

Many of them do not have to prove that they have any minimum level of competency at operating these vehicles, or being aware or even worry about the existence of marine regulations that dictate things we take for granted on the road, like traffic lights or stop signs. When you combine this with the huge number of water enthusiasts wanting to take advantage of Florida’s weather and waters, the risk jumps up another notch.

Have Fun But Be Alert

If you think that all these factors mean that Florida could have a boating accident problem, then you’d be right. Unfortunately, boating accidents happen all the time, from the expected collisions when one boater has one drink too many, to tragic cases, such as boys being lost at sea when they decide to take a cruise out for adventure with no way to contact for emergency help should they need it.

This is why if you get involved in a boating accident, especially when another person is involved, you should get the help of an accident attorney that has experience in boating accidents. You can quickly find out exactly what you need to do to proceed if you have a case that can go to court. More importantly, you’ll get the knowledge of how maritime incidents are handled since this a very different sphere from the usual traffic law disputes. With this kind of expert guidance at your side, you can more quickly set about getting your problem settled.