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Personal Injury Law Articles

fault-in-a-florida-auto-accident Brian O Sutter Jul/03/2017 Brian O Sutter

Fault In A Florida Auto Accident

Florida roads are among the busiest in the nation. Between the more than 20 million who call the state home and the millions more who visit each year, traffic accidents here are unavoidable. And when they do occur, recovering is something that can ta...

how-to-make-a-lost-wages-claim-after-a-car-accident Brian O Sutter Jun/28/2017 Brian O Sutter

How To Make A Lost Wages Claim After A Car Accident

When you are severely injured in a car accident, it can cost a lot of money. Between medical bills, prescriptions, and rehabilitation, your bills can stack up. Another source of economic hardship can also come from missing work. If your car accident...

recent-auto-recalls Brian O Sutter Jun/27/2017 Brian O Sutter

Recent Auto Recalls

Auto recalls happen when a vehicle or parts manufacturer produce a faulty product. These faulty parts can create the conditions that put consumers in jeopardy, leading to accident or injury. Nearly every month there is a new auto recall and it is imp...

negligence-in-firework-injuries Brian O Sutter Jun/26/2017 Brian O Sutter

Negligence In Firework Injuries

With the Fourth of July fast approaching, people will soon be enjoying the festivities of the holidays. That includes watching and lighting fireworks displays. Every year, there is an average of 9,000 firework related injuries, with four deaths. Alth...

tips-to-find-your-injury-lawyer Brian O Sutter Jun/22/2017 Brian O Sutter

Tips To Find Your Injury Lawyer

It's fairly obvious to most who are involved in a Florida accident that finding an injury lawyer is a good idea. After all, the average person simply doesn't have the kind of knowledge needed to navigate the complicated legal system on their own and...

understanding-distracted-driving-in-florida Brian O Sutter Jun/19/2017 Brian O Sutter

Understanding Distracted Driving In Florida

Being able to stay safe on Florida roads is important, and with millions of people living in the state as well as visiting it on a regular basis it can be difficult to do. Sometimes, no matter how much we try, accidents will happen. But when you're...

what-to-do-after-an-auto-accident Brian O Sutter Jun/14/2017 Brian O Sutter

What To Do After An Auto Accident

Florida's roads are busy. Between the millions who call the state home and the millions more who visit on a daily basis, there are a lot of vehicles moving from place to place. That increased number of vehicles means that the risk of being involved i...

burn-hazards-pose-a-threat-to-your-safety Brian O Sutter Jun/13/2017 Brian O Sutter

Burn Hazards Pose A Threat To Your Safety

It is not often that you get 2 products recalled for virtually the same reason at just about the same time, but in this rare occurrence, that is exactly what happened. Getting scalded by hot coffee, or another beverage can leave you with minor, or ma...

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